Bot Libre es el bot de código abierto y la plataforma de IA para Metaverse.
El Metaverso es la nueva visión de Internet que proporciona un ecosistema 3D descentralizado. El Metaverse combina mundos y espacios 3D, VR, AR, AI y criptografía.
La plataforma Bot Libre permite a los influencers, jugadores y empresas involucrarse en el Metaverse mediante la integración de verdadera inteligencia artificial y chatbots. Los bots de Bot Libre pueden interactuar con los usuarios y navegar por espacios 3D, Bot Libre proporciona una extensa API, integraciones y SDK para plataformas 3D populares.
Bot Libre metaverse solutions have templates for an event space, classroom, e-commerce virtual store, meeting space, hangout, medical space, including chatbot avatar templates that are pre-trained to interact with the users in the space. Also, all our products are customizable, which gives you hands-on influence over the creation of AI solutions for your business.
Ya sea capacitación corporativa, estudios en línea, tiendas de comercio electrónico, chat, eventos o juegos, puede conectarse profundamente y ser eficiente, en una zona libre de distracciones con Bot Libre.
With our AI conversational avatars, you can be available to customers and potential buyers 24/7 across a wide range of platforms, as well as share key information to guests inside any virtual 3D event. These include:
Through Bot Libre's Animated Chatbots, online learners can educate themselves in an exciting digital and self-paced environment. As we complete our metaverse solutions, you will be able to access a 3D marketplace of tutors and educational content.
Mozilla Hubs is a platform that allows users to create their own private 3D virtual spaces. By adding a Bot Libre chatbot to your 3D space, you will provide ease of access to all attendees and prevent any customer or guest from being overlooked.
Si eres aceptado en el programa, te ayudaremos a construir tu propio espacio de metaverso, para incluir: