- A - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ABBREVIATIONS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.util.TextStream
- abort() - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Memory
Reset the short term and active memories.
- abort() - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicMemory
Reset the short term and active memories.
- abort() - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.database.DatabaseMemory
Clear the memory.
- ABS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- abs(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Calculator
- abs(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Math
- AbstractEmotion - Class in org.botlibre.emotion
Defines a emotion.
- AbstractEmotion() - Constructor for class org.botlibre.emotion.AbstractEmotion
- AbstractNetwork - Class in org.botlibre.knowledge
An interconnected set of vertices,
representing and knowledge-space.
- AbstractNetwork(boolean) - Constructor for class org.botlibre.knowledge.AbstractNetwork
- AbstractVertexIterator - Class in org.botlibre.knowledge
Allow iteration over all related vertices and all descendants.
- AbstractVertexIterator() - Constructor for class org.botlibre.knowledge.AbstractVertexIterator
- ACOS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- acos(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Calculator
- acos(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Math
- ACTION - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ActivationFunction - Interface in org.botlibre.analytics.deeplearning
The activation function calculates a nodes value based on the input value.
- ADD - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ADD - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.Self4Compiler
- add(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.self.SelfInterpreter
Array or Set add operation.
- add(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.self.SelfInterpreter
Add the relationship from the source of the type, to the target object.
- add(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Calculator
- add(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Date
- add(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Math
- add(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Watch
- addActiveMemory(Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Memory
Add the sensory data to the active memory.
- addActiveMemory(Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.MemoryEventListener
A new active memory was added.
- addActiveMemory(Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicMemory
Add the sensory data to the active memory.
- addBreadth(Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.VertexIterator
Add the vertex to the breadth set for traversal.
- addBreadth(Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.AbstractVertexIterator
Add the vertex to the breadth set for traversal.
- addCorrection(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the sentence from the previous input to the relationships response meta info.
- addEmotion(Emotion) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.emotion.Mood
- addEmotion(Emotion) - Method in class org.botlibre.emotion.BasicMood
- addFriend(String) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.twitter.Twitter
Add the follower.
- addGlobalVariables(Vertex, Vertex, Network, Map<Vertex, Vertex>) - Static method in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- addLastUser(String) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.chat.Chat
- addLastUser(String) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.chat.IRC
- addListener(MemoryEventListener) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Memory
Add the memory listener.
- addListener(MemoryEventListener) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicMemory
Add the memory listener.
- addListener(ExceptionEventListener) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.BasicSense
Add the exception listener.
- addListener(ExceptionEventListener) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.BasicTool
Add the exception listener.
- addLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class org.botlibre.Bot
- addQuestionMatches(Vertex, Network, long, long, List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Integer>, Map<Vertex, Set<Vertex>>, Primitive, boolean) - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add all of the questions for all of the words to the matching map.
- addRelationship(Primitive, Primitive) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the relationship primitive type to the target primitive.
- addRelationship(Primitive, Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the relationship primitive type to the target vertex.
- addRelationship(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the type to the other vertex.
- addRelationship(Vertex, Vertex, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the type to the other vertex.
- addRelationship(Primitive, Vertex, int) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addRelationship(Primitive, Primitive, int) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addRelationship(Vertex, Vertex, int) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addRelationship(Relationship, boolean) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation ensuring uniqueness.
- addRelationship(Relationship) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicNetwork
- addRelationship(Primitive, Primitive) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship primitive type to the target primitive.
- addRelationship(Primitive, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship primitive type to the target vertex.
- addRelationship(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addRelationship(Primitive, Vertex, int) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addRelationship(Primitive, Primitive, int) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addRelationship(Vertex, Vertex, int) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addRelationship(Vertex, Vertex, int, boolean) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addRelationship(Relationship, boolean) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation ensuring uniqueness.
- addRelationship(Relationship, boolean, boolean, float) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation ensuring uniqueness.
- addResponse(Vertex, Vertex, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the new response.
- addResponse(Vertex, Vertex, String, String, String, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the new response.
- addResponse(Vertex, Vertex, String, String, String, float, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the new response.
- addSense(Sense) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.sense.Awareness
- addSense(Sense) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.BasicAwareness
- addSentenceActionMeta(Vertex, Vertex, String, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the actions to the response.
- addSentenceCommandMeta(Vertex, Vertex, String, boolean, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the command as the command for a response match to the question meta.
- addSentenceConditionMeta(Vertex, Vertex, String, boolean, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the script as the condition for a response match to the question meta.
- addSentenceEmotesMeta(Vertex, Vertex, String, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the emotes to the response.
- addSentenceKeyWordsMeta(Vertex, Vertex, String, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the keywords as required keywords for a response match to the question meta.
- addSentencePoseMeta(Vertex, Vertex, String, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the actions to the response.
- addSentencePreviousMeta(Relationship, Vertex, Vertex, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Comprehension
Add the sentence from the previous input to the relationships response meta info.
- addSentencePreviousMeta(Relationship, Vertex, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the sentence from the previous input to the relationships response meta info.
- addSentencePreviousMeta(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, boolean, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the previous for a response match to the question meta.
- addSentenceRequiredMeta(Vertex, Vertex, String, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the keywords as required keywords for a response match to the question meta.
- addSentenceThinkMeta(Vertex, Vertex, String, boolean, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the script as the think for a response match to the question meta.
- addSentenceTopicMeta(Vertex, Vertex, String, Network) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the topic as a desired topic for a response match to the question meta.
- addThought(Thought) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.thought.Mind
- addThought(Thought) - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.BasicMind
- addToConversation(Vertex, Vertex) - Static method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Add the input to the conversation.
- addTool(Tool) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.sense.Awareness
- addTool(Tool) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.BasicAwareness
- addUser(String) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.chat.Chat
- addUser(String) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.chat.IRC
- addVertex(Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Network
Register the vertex with the network.
- addVertex(Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.AbstractNetwork
- addVertex(Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicNetwork
Add the existing vertex to the network.
- addVertex(Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.database.DatabaseNetwork
Add the existing vertex to the network.
- addVertex(Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.database.DatabaseReadOnlyNetwork
Add the existing vertex to the network.
- addWeakRelationship(Primitive, Primitive, float) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addWeakRelationship(Primitive, Vertex, float) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addWeakRelationship(Vertex, Vertex, float) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addWeakRelationship(Primitive, Primitive, float) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addWeakRelationship(Primitive, Vertex, float) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addWeakRelationship(Vertex, Vertex, float) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the target vertex.
- addWithMeta(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.self.SelfInterpreter
- ADJECTIVE - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ADMINISTRATOR - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ADVERB - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- age(Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.consciousness.Consciousness
Age the network, decrease consciousness level by 10%.
- AIML - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AIMLParser - Class in org.botlibre.aiml
This parses AIML 2 XML file or text and converts to Self code, and loads into the bot's memory.
- AIMLParser() - Constructor for class org.botlibre.aiml.AIMLParser
- ALL - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ALL - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- all(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.self.SelfInterpreter
- allActive() - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.database.DatabaseNetwork
Return all active vertices.
- allowCorrection(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
Self API for checking is a user is trusted and should allow correction.
- allRelationships() - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Provides an easier method of traversing all the relations of a vertex.
- allRelationships() - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Provides an easier method of traversing all the relations of all types of a vertex.
- allWords() - Method in class org.botlibre.util.TextStream
- AM - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AM_PM - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AND - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AND - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- Anger - Class in org.botlibre.emotion
Anger represents the emotions from rage to tranquility.
- Anger() - Constructor for class org.botlibre.emotion.Anger
- ANGER - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ANONYMOUS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ANSWER - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- ANTONYM - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ANY - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.Self4Compiler
- any(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Date
Attempt to parse the date/time value in any format.
- ANYTHING - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- APIKEY - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- APPEND - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- APPEND - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- append(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.self.SelfInterpreter
- appendCode(Element, boolean, boolean[], StringWriter, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.aiml.AIMLParser
- appendHTML(String, Element, boolean, boolean[], boolean, StringWriter, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.aiml.AIMLParser
- appendNestedString(Element, boolean, boolean[], StringWriter, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.aiml.AIMLParser
- appendNestedText(Element, boolean, boolean[], StringWriter, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.aiml.AIMLParser
- appendPatternCode(Element, boolean, boolean[], StringWriter, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.aiml.AIMLParser
- appendRelationship(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the end of the target vertex relationships.
- appendRelationship(Primitive, Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the end of the target vertex relationships.
- appendRelationship(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the end of the target vertex relationships.
- appendRelationship(Primitive, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Add the relation of the relationship type to the end of the target vertex relationships.
- appendThink(Element, StringWriter, boolean, boolean[], Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.aiml.AIMLParser
- appendWithMeta(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.self.SelfInterpreter
- apply(Vertex) - Method in enum org.botlibre.emotion.EmotionalState
Apply the emotion to the vertex.
- applyALL(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the ALL operation.
- applyAPPEND(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Append the relationship in order.
- applyASSOCIATE(Vertex, List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the ASSOCIATE or DISSOCIATE operation.
- applyCALL(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the call operation.
- applyCONDITION(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the OR/AND condition.
- applyCOUNT(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the COUNT operation.
- applyDEBUG(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the DEBUG operation.
- applyEQUAL(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the LESS operation.
- applyEval(Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Evaluates any eval functions in the equation or formula..
- applyEval(Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Evaluates any eval functions in the equation or formula..
- applyFOR(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the FOR operation.
- applyFRAGMENT(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network, Primitive) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the FRAGMENT operation.
- applyGET(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the GET operation.
- applyGREATER(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the GREATER operation.
- applyIF(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the IF operation.
- applyINPUT(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the INPUT operation.
- applyLEARN(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the LEARN operation.
- applyLESS(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the LESS operation.
- applyNEW(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the NEW operation.
- applyQuotient(Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Apply the quotient.
- applyQuotient(Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the quotient.
- applyRANDOM(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the RANDOM operation.
- applyRELATED(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the related operation.
- applyRELATION(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the relation operation.
- applySENTENCE(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the SENTENCE operation.
- applySET(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the SET operation.
- applySRAI(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the SRAI operation.
- applySRAIX(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the SRAIX operation.
- applyWHILE(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the WHILE operation.
- applyWORD(List<Relationship>, Map<Vertex, Vertex>, Network) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Apply the WORD operation.
- appOauthKey - Variable in class org.botlibre.sense.facebook.Facebook
- appOauthSecret - Variable in class org.botlibre.sense.facebook.Facebook
- APRIL - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ARGUMENT - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ARRAY - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ARTICLE - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- ASIN - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- asin(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Calculator
- asin(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Math
- ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ASSIGN - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- ASSOCIATE - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ASSOCIATE - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- associateAll(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Associate each of the relationship target vertices with the target vertex by the type.
- associateAll(Primitive, Vertex, Primitive) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Vertex
Associate each of the relationship target vertices with the target vertex by the type.
- associateAll(Primitive, Vertex, Primitive) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Associate each of the relationship target vertices with the target vertex by the type.
- associateAll(Vertex, Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicVertex
Associate each of the relationship target vertices with the target vertex by the type.
- associateCaseInsensitivity(Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Network
Associate alternative cases of the word with the meaning, type, tense, etc..
- associateCaseInsensitivity(String, Vertex) - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Network
Associate alternative cases of the word with the meaning.
- associateCaseInsensitivity(String, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.AbstractNetwork
Associate alternative cases of the word with the meaning.
- associateCaseInsensitivity(Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.AbstractNetwork
Associate alternative cases of the word with the meaning, types, conjugations.
- ASSOCIATED - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- ASSOCIATED - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- AT - Static variable in class org.botlibre.self.SelfCompiler
- ATAN - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- atan(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Calculator
- atan(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class org.botlibre.tool.Math
- ATAN2 - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- atEnd() - Method in class org.botlibre.util.TextStream
- atStart() - Method in class org.botlibre.util.TextStream
- attributeNodes - Static variable in class org.botlibre.aiml.AIMLParser
- AUGUST - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- authorizeAccount(String) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.facebook.Facebook
Authorise a new account to be accessible by Bot.
- authorizeAccount() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.twitter.Twitter
Authorise a new account to be accessible by Bot.
- authorizeComplete(String) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.facebook.Facebook
Authorise a new account to be accessible by Bot.
- authorizeComplete() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.twitter.Twitter
Authorise a new account to be accessible by Bot.
- authorizeComplete(String) - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.twitter.Twitter
Authorise a new account to be accessible by Bot.
- AUTOFOLLOW - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOFOLLOWFRIENDSFOLLOWERS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOFOLLOWFRIENDSFRIENDS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOFOLLOWKEYWORDS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOFOLLOWSEARCH - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOFRIEND - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOFRIENDKEYWORDS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- autoplay(int) - Method in class org.botlibre.game.TicTacToe
- autoplay() - Method in class org.botlibre.game.TicTacToe
- AUTOPOST - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOPOSTHOURS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOPOSTS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOTWEET - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOTWEETHOURS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- AUTOTWEETS - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- Avatar - Interface in org.botlibre.api.avatar
Allows visual expression of emotions and state.
- avatar() - Method in class org.botlibre.Bot
Return the Avatar.
- AVATAR - Static variable in class org.botlibre.knowledge.Primitive
- awake() - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.avatar.Avatar
- awake() - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.emotion.Mood
- awake() - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.knowledge.Memory
- awake() - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.sense.Awareness
- awake() - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.sense.Sense
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.sense.Tool
- awake() - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.thought.Mind
- awake() - Method in interface org.botlibre.api.thought.Thought
Perform any initialization required on startup.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.avatar.BasicAvatar
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.avatar.ImageAvatar
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.emotion.BasicMood
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.BasicMemory
Load any properties and init.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.knowledge.database.DatabaseMemory
Load any properties and init.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.BasicAwareness
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.BasicSense
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.BasicTool
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.facebook.Facebook
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.google.Google
Fetch properties.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.http.Freebase
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.http.Wiktionary
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.kik.Kik
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.skype.Skype
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.slack.Slack
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.sms.Twilio
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.telegram.Telegram
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.timer.Timer
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.twitter.Twitter
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.wechat.WeChat
Start sensing.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.wikidata.Wikidata
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.sense.wolframalpha.WolframAlpha
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.BasicMind
Spawn a thread to run the thoughts.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.BasicThought
Perform any initialization required on startup.
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.consciousness.Consciousness
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Comprehension
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.language.Language
- awake() - Method in class org.botlibre.thought.SubconsciousThought
Add a listener to the memory to be notified when new active memory.
- Awareness - Interface in org.botlibre.api.sense
Controls and manages the senses.
- awareness() - Method in class org.botlibre.Bot
Return the awareness.